
Natalie Mead

Assistant Head Teacher

This academic year marks my 4th year teaching at FPS and my 8th year as a KS2 teacher. Historically, I have worked as the Primary Mathematics Coordinator, however, for the past 2 years, I have acted as Year 6 Leader and am pleased to say that I will continue in this role for the 2023-2024 academic year. In addition to this, I have taken on a new responsibility as Assistant Head for Behaviour and Culture. 

I firmly believe my role as both a teacher and leader is to nurture and encourage students to become lifelong learners who always aspire to achieve their very best. My aim is to help each and every student to grow both academically and personally during our year together. I prompt students to think critically and explore their natural curiosity, leading by example by striving for continuous self-improvement.

I pride myself on being a dynamic, energetic individual with high expectations of all.  I see my role as not only providing answers but to encourage students to be confident, independent learners who are able to take on any challenge presented to them. My goal is that every child will leave FPS Primary as a caring, respectful, resilient individual who is proud of their unique abilities and talents. I believe that students learn best in a stimulating environment where individual learning journeys enable them to excel academically, as well as develop morally, socially and culturally. 

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